To be the preferred resource for colleges and universities enthusiastically working to establish, expand, or enhance their study abroad student initiatives in Ghana, Africa.
Our goal includes the establishment of Africa among the world’s most prominent study abroad destinations, as well as to more fully complement International Studies, African Studies, and African History departments and disciplines.
The Sankore Foundation currently offers mediation and logistical support (i.e.-accommodations, lodging, guest services) for academic and life scholars, in addition to serving as a field coordinator for the students at the University for Development Studies as a part of the 3rd trimester preceptorship course requirements.
Sankore Academia was created to enable African American students take part in an extended program with Sankore IKS and receive course credit from either their home institution or from the University for Development Studies.
Essentially, Sankore Academia is Sankore Indigenous Knowledge Study, but includes lectures from UDS professors, fieldwork, and time allocation for fulfillment of student curriculum requirements. There is no firm or set agenda for collegiate and university partners. Professors are encouraged to create a program that fulfills the requirements of their respective institution in order to award students full course credit. The University for Development Studies, in collaboration with Sankore Academia and its vast network of resources, will enthusiastically create a program tailored to each university’s respective prerequisites.
Morehouse College has established an innovative, co-ed, study abroad program, the
Morehouse Pan-African Global Experience (MPAGE). Students discover that societies can renew themselves through combining modern science, ancient knowledge of plants, and adherence to principles of social justice, by creatively using plants to grow an economic base.
In addition, by permitting students to share skills with their counterparts in other nations, cross-cultural bonds will be formed and future socially responsible relationships established, MPAGE seeks to provide participants with a Pan-African experience by crossing borders – political, language, cultural – throughout Africa and the African Diaspora. Course offerings include:

- Participants will take the core course Pan-Africanism as Cross-Cultural Dialogue and an elective of their choice.
- Courses provide four (4) hours of Morehouse College credit. There are research, directed studies, and service learning options.
- Any student in good standing at a college or university can apply to participate in the MPAGE program
MPAGE is, in part, sponsored and fully supported by Sankore Academia and the University for Development Studies. During MAGE inaugural trip May 23rd thru June 24, 2009, Sankore Academia managed tour services, accommodations, logistics, provisions (two meals/day), and linguistic support.
As Northern Ghana is geographically placed far inland and did not possess any readily exploitable natural resources required by the British imperialist economy, all attention was focused on the development of the immense resources of southern Gold Coast and Ashanti regions during the colonial era. The British administration also limited access to primary education and prevented the people of northern Ghana from having secondary and higher education in an effort to retain the area as a source of unskilled labor for the mines, cocoa farms, construction workers, the police, and the army. Even after independence the North has continued to suffer from the legacy of colonial policies and lags behind educationally and economically. Effort to bridge these gaps culminated in the founding of the University for Development Studies.
The University for Development Studies (UDS) founders intended that the school actively participate in the process of development, in addition to an institution of research and training. UDS pioneered in Ghana the mission to effectively combining academic excellence with field training to produce men and women who are practically oriented. The principal objective of UDS is to address and find solutions to the socio-economic deprivations, health challenges, and environmental problems that characterized northern Ghana.
The mission of UDS and the array of disciplines and campuses serve to perfectly complement university systems and colleges with study abroad initiatives.
Join the team!!! At UDS the entire 3rd Trimester is devoted solely to practical fieldwork (TTFPP) in local communities throughout the northern Ghana. Students of a given year identify a specific community and in small groups live, interact, identify problems, and create solutions during each 3rd trimester for a period of three years.
This integrated group approach entails the combination of students from the various faculties of:
- Agriculture
- Integrated Development Studies
- Applied Sciences
- School of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Community Nutrition
This integrated group approach enables students to address community problems and opportunities in a holistic manner through the perception and appreciation of such problems from various angles. Secondly, the integration helps broaden the knowledge and experience of the students, as they work, interact, and learn from each other. It also fosters enormous spirit of teamwork, which is a career essential in today’s global economy.
TTFPP starts in May of every academic year and last 10 weeks consisting of 2 weeks of orientation and 8 weeks of field experience. Each student of UDS receives 6 credits (of 42 annual credits required) and easily mirror credit and course requirement standards for US based or global college and university systems. The timing is ideal and most likely will fall during US colleges and universities summer sessions and/or breaks.
University for Development Studies Departments of Faculty Agriculture (7)
- Dept. Agricultural Economics & Extension
- Dept. Agricultural Mechanization & Irrigation Technology
- Dept. Agronomy
- Animal Science
- Horticulture
- Biotechnology
- Renewable Natural Resources
University for Development Studies Campuses (4)
UDS consist of four campuses each with a unique focus and provides an array of disciplines that are the ideal compliment to global universities and include:
- Agriculture – Nyankpala
- Concentrations in:
- Offers BSc, BA, MB CHB Degrees in:
- Agriculture Technology
- Integrated Development Studies
- Community Nutrition
- Rural Nurse Practitioner
- Applied Sciences – Navrongo
- Concentrations in:
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Physical Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Statistics
- Water Resource Services
- Engineering
School of Medicine & Nutrition Traditional Medicine – Tamale
- Integrated Development Studies (IDS, Degree) - WA
- Concentrations in:
- History
- Business
- Management
- Economics
For more information please contact SANKORE FOUNDATION and we will be more than happy to put you in contact with the professors of UDS!!!
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